The 6 Rarest Pets In The World

In addition to cats and dogs, there are rare and unusual animals that are now considered pets in many households.
The 6 rarest pets in the world

The world is full of many species of animals that have accompanied man at different times in history. Currently, the threshold of what it means to be a common pet has been widened to cater for the rarer specimens, all with the function of keeping their guardians or companions company.

Dogs, cats, fish and rabbits are no longer the main option for those who want to give the opportunity as a pet to another species. Today there are many birds, lizards and small mammals that make up the group of exotic or rare pets in homes around the world. Here are some examples of species in this group.

1. Sugarcane

Sugar gliders are often mistaken for hamsters, so it is common to think of them as rodents. However, in reality, the animals of this species ( Petaurus breviceps ) are marsupials that prefer sugary foods, which is why they receive their common name.

The sugarcane diet includes insects and other foods that, unfortunately, are not very easy to obtain. Although it looks harmless, it is an animal with very sharp claws and teeth, ready to attack most people who come near it. For this reason, the sugar nut is not recommended as a pet for families with children.

This mammal is one of the rarest pets in the world, but no evidence of domestication has been shown, despite being a very intelligent animal. Its behavior is nocturnal and it makes a lot of noise during the day. On the other hand, it needs other individuals of its kind to survive, as it does not adapt to solitude.

One of the rarest pets in the world.

2. Fenugreek or desert fox

This species ( Vulpes zerda ) has experienced an impressive boom in recent years, as the human being irresponsibly started to adopt the desert fox as a companion animal. It is important to mention that having a fenugreek as a pet is not advisable, as it is impossible to meet their needs in an apartment or a closed house.

This animal is very sociable and, in addition, lives in large families. Therefore, it should be discarded as a pet. Likewise, it is almost impossible to replicate its natural habitat, as the temperature of the Sahara desert varies between 40º C and -40º C, depending on whether it is day or night. The fenugreek is a wild animal with nocturnal habits and keeping it bound would only cause its death.

One of the rarest pets in the world.

3. Miniature donkey

The miniature donkey is a very long-lived animal that, due to its coat and stature, tends to look like a giant stuffed animal. Plus, it ‘s sweet and gentle with babies, which can increase your desire to have a pet if you have kids. However, it is not a living being to ride and you must be careful with its behavior, as the miniature donkey is very cunning.

This horse weighs up to 130 kilos and does not exceed 80 centimeters in height, so it is not very easy to hug him like the most common pets. In addition, it is important to recognize that a lot of available space will be needed for recreation, constant nutrition and hydration, as well as frequent vaccinations and cleaning.

If you decide to choose this species as a pet, you should consider keeping more than 2 copies, as donkeys interact better in company. The lack of stimuli in the form of companions of the same species can be harmful to the animal’s health.

Two happy donkeys.

4. Bearded Dragon

Another of the rarest pets in the world is the bearded dragon ( Pogona vitticeps ), a reptile chosen by many people who, due to legal impediments, cannot have a crocodile or a boar as a pet. Within the herpeto group, it is one of the easiest reptiles to care for.

These animals are omnivorous and native to Australia, do not exceed a meter in length and have become popular as pets thanks to their simple care and inexpensive maintenance.

The face of a bearded dragon.

5. Stick insect

Stick insects belong to the order Phasmatodea, which groups more than 3000 species with different physical aspects. Most species measure between 6 and 7 centimeters and, although it seems a little strange, having a pet stick insect has become very common nowadays.

People with eccentric or particular tastes have chosen the stick insect as the right pet for their lifestyles. Although they are not the most affectionate animals, they are very interesting. Although caring for a stick insect is very simple, this insect’s body is quite sensitive, so it can break very easily.

A stick insect.

6. Mini pig

In recent years, the mini pig has become one of the rarest pets in the world. Despite being a farm animal, the mini pig went viral on social media, constantly being compared to dogs in terms of size. It doesn’t weigh more than 30 kilos and has a high level of intelligence, so it can be trained without problems. Unlike other animals, prefers to be the center of attention.

One of the rarest pets in the world.

Another of the world’s rarest pets

Apart from cats, dogs and fish, there are many other species that, little by little, have been entering homes around the world. Reptiles, rodents, fish and other taxa make up this group. In any case, it is always advisable to know the conservation status of the animal to be acquired, so as not to commit a crime by having a prohibited species as a pet.

Others of the rarest pets in the world are:

  • Madagascar Cockroach ( Gromphadorhina portentosa ).
  • Hedgehogs (Subfamily Erinaceinae ).
  • Tarantulas (Family Lycosidae ).
  • Boas (Family Boidae ).

Cockroaches can be pets.

As you can see, there are several species of animals that keep humans company these days. Regardless of their appearance or the complex care required, many people choose to give a home to a different pet and this trend is increasing.

The best thing is to choose a pet that you feel comfortable with and, above all, to which you can give the necessary attention and affection. Also, remember that many animals cannot be domesticated, although attempts have been made in the past.

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