The Best Natural Repellents For Dogs

Having a good immune system is crucial to the success of any treatment.
The best natural repellents for dogs

Most canine antiparasitic treatments are characterized by their effectiveness, in addition to their formulations with chemical substances. Thus, pet owners looking for a cleaner lifestyle can opt for a range of natural dog repellents.

Parasites are one of the main threats to pets. Its great diversity added to the severity of most of its injuries make the use of any type of repellent a habit. However, among the variety of pipettes, sprays and pastes, it is difficult to find compositions without aggressive odors or with more neutral excipients.

Therefore, pet owners wishing to opt for other types of preventive treatments should know which are the most reliable natural repellants for dogs.

Best antiparasitic alternatives

Most natural formulations stand out for their  ease of preparation and for the quick acquisition of their components. Among them are:

  • Rosemary Tonic . In addition to the floral smell it gives off, rosemary is characterized by  its anti-inflammatory and anti-flea properties . To prepare it, you can boil a tablespoon of fresh rosemary in two cups of water and, once it has cooled, use it as a final rinse after bathing.
  • Lemon Tonic. This citrus fruit is characterized by the presence of  D-limonene , a substance that, in addition to repelling fleas, acts against mites and other parasites. To obtain its benefits, it is recommended to cut a whole lemon, with the rind included, and boil it in two glasses of water. Once ready, let it cool without putting it in the fridge and spread it with a sponge on the animal’s clean fur.

Best antiparasitic alternatives

  • Lavender essential oil. This treatment is one of the most effective natural repellents for dogs against mange. However, it  is important to dose the essential oil so that it is not abrasive on the skin. To prepare it, it is recommended to mix one unit of lavender essential oil with 10 units of coconut oil or pure almond oil. Apply through a body massage.
  • Garlic. It must be used in the proper proportions to avoid cases of intoxication. Its effectiveness against internal parasites stands out, as well as promoting gastrointestinal and joint health. Although it can be complex to administer, it is best to do it orally. The recommended dose ranges from half to three cloves of garlic, depending on the dog’s weight.

Efficiency of natural dog repellants

Natural dog repellants  are effective as long as they are routinely applied. In addition, the fact that they do not contain artificial preservatives makes it necessary to re-prepare their formulations every two or three days.

To ensure its success, you need to start with a good animal’s immune system. For this, healthy eating and physical exercise are essential. Usually, handlers who follow this type of treatment tend to incorporate fresh products into the dog’s diet. This option is advantageous when it comes to obtaining the properties of foods, just making sure they are not indigestible.


Contact with the outdoors, regular cleaning and the presence of an organized and peaceful environment contribute to the animal’s well-being. In addition, guardians must provide care and time to spend leisurely time  with their pet.

Alternative natural treatments are an option to consider for those seeking a cleaner lifestyle. However,  the best way to ensure the health of the animal is to combine its use  with the recommendations of the veterinarian.

The diversity of parasites is high and even the overuse of medications can make them immune and very difficult to fight. Therefore, it is most appropriate to make responsible use of any treatment and, if you want to reinforce it, opt for complementary natural options.

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