The Dog Breeds That Suffer Most From Cancer

Knowing which breeds of dogs suffer the most from cancer will help you increase the frequency of routine veterinarian visits.
The dog breeds that suffer most from cancer

While this disease can affect any pet, there are some dog breeds that suffer from cancer more often than others. In this article, we’ll show you which ones so you can be forewarned. That way you’ll increase your vet appointments and give your dog what he needs.

Which dog breeds suffer most from cancer?

Unfortunately, we can’t say that dogs won’t get cancer and that they’ll live forever, although that’s what everyone wants to hear. However, being informed about the possible illnesses that your pet may suffer is essential for it to receive the proper treatment and at the right time.

Knowing which breeds of dogs have the most recorded cases of cancer will not stop you from adopting a pet, nor will it lead you to choose another breed, but it will help you to care for your pet as it deserves. Some of them are:

1. Berne cattle breeder

The life expectancy of a dog of this breed is approximately eight years because it is very vulnerable to cancer, specifically histiocytosis, one of the most aggressive forms of this disease.

When Boiadeiro de Berna – the photo that opens this article – is diagnosed with cancer, the disease can affect its lungs and lymph nodes, liver, bone marrow, central nervous system or spleen. In the latter case, veterinarians choose to remove it, but the disease will continue to exist and will pass to other organs.

The only way to prevent cancer in a Boiadeiro de Berna is through a regular veterinary checkup. The provider can detect signs of the disease before it spreads too far through the body.

2. Boxer

Another of the most vulnerable dog breeds to cancer is the boxer, especially the skin one (mast cell tumor) or lymph nodes (lymphoma or lymphosarcoma).  These diseases usually appear in adult specimens over eight years of age.

Which dog breeds suffer most from cancer?

3. Dog Breeds That Suffer Most Cancer: Bulmastife

This breed of large dogs is also one of the most prone to cancer, particularly in terms of lymphoma and the appearance of mast cell tumors, both of which are hereditary in nature.

Dog Breeds That Suffer Most Cancer: Bulmastife

Lymphoma is a type of cancer characterized by the proliferation of malignant lymphocytes in certain organs, such as lymph nodes, liver, spleen or bone marrow. In some cases, it can also affect vision, the intestinal tract, or the skin.

4. Giant Schnauzer

In addition to the care that this breed requires due to its type of fur and excessive production of drool, it is very important to periodically take the giant schnauzer to the veterinarian to rule out the occurrence of more serious diseases.


This breed is prone to many eye problems and skin diseases, including skin cancer, especially in dark-haired dogs. Melanoma on the extremities and carcinoma on the foot pads are more frequent than previously thought.

In some cases, they can also develop cancerous or non-cancerous skin tumors.

5. Poodle

The last of the dog breeds that suffer the most from cancer on this list is the famous poodle, in all its sizes (from mini to standard). One of the main causes of death of the poodle is this disease.


If you have decided to adopt or have a dog of any of these breeds at home, it is very important that you make regular visits to the vet. This way, cancer will be detected in the early stages and it will be easier to treat or at least extend and improve the animal’s life expectancy.

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