The First 6 Signs Of The Canine Horoscope

The first 6 signs of the canine horoscope

Did you know there is a canine horoscope? It’s true. Depending on your dog’s birth date, he will have a different personality or qualities than others. Today, we want to tell you about this horoscope so that you can identify some of your pet’s characteristics.

canine horoscope

The canine horoscope is defined by the same dates as ours. So the signs are the same as those in our horoscope. Let’s see what each one means.


They are independent from their peers, having no intention of developing friendships with others. However, it will be the ideal dog for a new stage in our life, such as a change, a romantic breakup, a new relationship or a baby.

Furthermore, it is always loyal and faithful to its owner and will be able to protect it with its own life.

They have a lot of energy and are impulsive, brave and very emotional. Smart and with good memory. Dominant.


While in the human horoscope Taurus is the bravest of all, in dogs it is quite the opposite. Taurus dogs are calm, obedient, protective and very emotional. Yes, they are a little jealous, not only about their master, but also about their stuff.

With children, they will be the ideal dog, not only because of their need to give and receive love, but also because of their patience. A little stubborn and slow in their tasks.


They are educated and independent, with an energy that seems to have no end. Complacent and empathetic with their owner’s mood, trying to change it at all costs when sad or angry.

They don’t like the tranquility much, but urban life, with large crowds, because they feel the constant need for company. Therefore, they are ideal for being with the children, but not for spending too much time alone at home.

Due to his high sensitivity, you must be patient and train him with care and tenderness, as this can cause him emotional harm. The screams are not well received by them. If there are other dogs during your training, it will be helpful because they like to have company.


They are afraid of anything that is bigger than they are. Very sensitive to noise and protective of their homes. They are jealous of other dogs and imitate their masters.

They like to eat and do not adapt well to changes. They love water, so if you have a dog with cancer, you won’t have to run after him to take him to the bath.

Their paternal or maternal instinct, in the case of females, is highly developed, so they always have large families.

Be careful with the memories that are created in his mind, because he has an almost perfect memory and is able to remember both good and bad things.


They like adventure and learning new things.  They have a natural way of being a leader and are very respectful of the environment.

They are patient and kind to children, which makes them perfect pets for families. When they are in danger, they take the lead, unlike other dogs, who are intimidated.


They are empathetic and sensitive, becoming a member of the family. Unconditional in your love, although not very emotional. However, your instinct of protection towards your family is what most characterizes this zodiac sign.

Hygiene is another aspect that defines them; you won’t need to convince them to comb or shower. Since puppies, you can see their ease of learning, so it will be very easy to train them.

Do you already know what your dog’s sign is? On the internet you can find many tests that will tell you what kind of characteristics they have, depending on your birth date. Check out the other signs here.

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