The Jack Russell Terrier: A Very Intelligent Dog

The Jack Russell Terrier: A Very Intelligent Dog

Within the canine universe, the Jack Russell Terrier is considered one of the smartest dogs. It stands out for its vivacity and its ability to develop new skills.

Enthusiastic and tenacious, it’s an animal fit for work. It is active, agile and has great speed and stamina. And, even though he is an exceptional hunter, nowadays, this little one is considered a faithful pet.

The breed had its origins in the United Kingdom, in the beginning of the 19th century, when the Reverend John Russell wanted to develop a type of Fox Terrier that could contribute to the work of his hunting dogs.

So, we come to this short dog, one of the most energetic and hyperactive dogs out there today.

Living with a Jack Russell Terrier


If you’ve chosen a Jack Russell Terrier as a pet, you should never forget that it was a dog bred to chase foxes out of their dens. Then:

  • It’s an animal that enjoys the outdoors and open spaces, so you’ll have to take it for a run daily. Although he can settle down to live in an apartment, it would not be the best option for a dog with these characteristics. Ideally, he would have a house with a garden, yard or terrace so the Jack Russell Terrier could expend his great energy.
  • It has very strong territorial impulses and hunters that surface very quickly, so sometimes it can be aggressive with other animals. It is recommended not to leave it alone with other animals, especially if they are birds or rodents.
  • You will have to educate him very hard if you don’t want him to become the master of your house. Faced with the slightest bit of behavioral freedom he gives him, he will. That’s why you have to make it clear, from the first moment, that the leader of the pack is you, so that he obeys your commands. Remember that because of his intelligence and independent personality, it may cost you more work than you had anticipated for your training, as he will be easily distracted and then find other topics he will go for. Be interested.

    The Jack Russell Terrier is regarded as an excellent therapy dog. It is also a great play partner for children, although it should be taken into account that he can bite them if he feels abused.

    Therefore, it is not the ideal pet if you have very young children.

    Jack Russell Terrier Physical Characteristics

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    It is a dog that is longer than it is tall and has a flexible body. Straight back, strong loin and deeper chest than broad.

    Other of its physical characteristics are:

    • Height: from 27cm to 35cm.
    • Weight: 1kg for every 5cm of height.
    • Color: Completely white or with yellowish, lemon or black spots on the head or tail roots.
    • Coat : Rough and dense, a little sparser on the belly.
    • Head : Flat and wide skull, medium. It gradually narrows to the eyes.
    • Nose: black.
    • Eyes: Almond-shaped, dark in color and well sunken in the sockets. With lively expression.
    • Ears : Small, V-shaped and hanging forward.
    • Jaws : Strong, perfectly articulated, regular and complete, scissors-shaped.
    • Neck: Muscled and of a good size. Extends progressively.
    • Feet: Muscular and strong.

    They are healthy dogs that do not suffer from major disorders of genetic origin. They may suffer from dislocation of the patella, as well as lens problems or cataracts.

    It will certainly live between 12 and 14 years old if it is well taken care of. This includes providing him with quality food, keeping him free of parasites, taking him to the vet periodically and, above all, giving him lots of love.

    This way, if you are an active person and have the time to devote to yourself, the Jack Russell Terrier will be your ideal partner. It is even a race that can be entered in agility tests and has great chances of bringing home a trophy.

    Remember that  if you can’t pay him due attention, he will surely develop destructive behaviors : he will dig your garden looking for non-existent burrows, bark excessively and break different objects in the house.

    Therefore, you must ensure not only your company, but also the necessary physical and mental exercise.

    Thus, you will be able to fully enjoy a pet that will provide you with all the affection it has and that will surprise you day by day with its intelligence.

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