The Strong Personality Of Cats

The strong personality of cats

Cats are usually known for two things: being independent and having a strong personality. Although all of us, certainly, know some affectionate cat that does not spare pampering for their owners and for others, hidden behind this behavior there is always a strong personality. To understand it, we first have to know certain things about our feline friends.

The origin of cats

Cats are descended from felines and, as such, have a strong personality. All descend from Felis Catus, a species that has been related to humans for approximately 4,000 years.

The first to domesticate cats were the Egyptians. Cats had a strong influence among the Egyptians, thousands of years ago, the Egyptians had them as pets and also as gods.

Yes, the cat was a sacred and adored animal in ancient Egypt. This may explain why his presence is elegant and noble.

Due to the large number of rodents that inhabited that region, the cat became a hunter and gained the trust and affection of humans. So the cat is a hunter by nature.

So much was the trust placed in cats that, despite their strong personality, some Egyptians mummified their cats along with other rats to feed them, so that they could accompany them on their journey to the afterlife.

As they developed affection for cats, the Egyptians began to adore them, even making statues of expensive materials, in the shape of a cat, to adore them.

cat in water fountain

The strong personality of cats and their evolution

If we combine the feline ancestry and the boundless adoration that the Egyptians gave them, it is possible that these factors contributed to the development of the strong personality, making them almost arrogant.

Also, after the Egyptians, many other nations started choosing cats as pets and this started the process of domestication. This evolved a lot until cats became as we know them today.

Strong personality or affectionate?

This is a dilemma between cat lovers and non-lovers. Are cats animals with a strong personality, bordering on coarseness, or are they sweet and tender animals?

It is not difficult to find a cat that purrs around us looking for affection, jumping on our bed to say good morning, or rubbing against our legs to be petted.

But this doesn’t have to make up for the fact that cats have a strong personality. The truth is that cats have a characteristic marked by two main factors, a strong personality and sweetness.

Which of the two factors predominates? It will depend a lot on the type of domestication the cat has had, how it was raised, the treatment it received and, of course, its own personality.

How to Tame a Cat That Has a Strong Personality


When the kitten is a newcomer to the house, it is normal for him to feel uncomfortable, to be afraid, to hide under the bed and to be a little rude or to show a strong personality.

Our advice is: Be patient. Don’t make him leave and don’t want to take him out. You will not succeed and it is possible that you will activate your attack defense.

Whenever you caress him, repeat his name lovingly and sweetly. Get him used, from an early age, to being petted while he eats or drinks water. This will give him confidence that no one will take his food and that he can rest easy at any time of the day.

Don’t want to spend all day trying to teach your cat things. Doing so will annoy him and, consequently, he will become aggressive. Make sessions short. Don’t scream, use the affection.

Remember, animals treat us as we treat them. Do you want a nervous cat? Yell at him. Do you want a tender, sweet and affectionate cat? Be tender, sweet and affectionate with him.

And, above all, be persistent, do not give up easily and you will have good results. It’s true that cats will always have a strong personality, but they can be very tender and affectionate, it all depends on you and how hard you try.

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