There’s A Snake In The Garden: What Do I Do?

When we find a snake in the garden, we cannot lose sight of it and we must know exactly where it is.
There is a snake in the garden: what do I do?

The activity of most animals undergoes an increase in spring, especially some reptiles such as snakes. This is why it is common for a snake to appear in the garden or even at home at this time.

On occasion,  snakes can get trapped in structures made by people, such as swimming pools and ornamental ponds. That’s why the snakes we encounter often need help, and it’s no reason to be scared.

In fact, snakes pose no danger to man. Therefore, we must act with the care and respect that every animal deserves.

What do I do with the snake in the garden?

First, it’s important to act calmly. It is convenient to move carefully. Although not dangerous, the snake’s senses are very sensitive to ground tremors and the animal can become stressed.

When we find a snake in the garden, we cannot lose sight of it and we must know exactly where it is. Not because it is dangerous, but to have it under control and be able to capture it or indicate its location to a responsible professional.

There is a snake in the garden: what do I do?

A snake in the garden: identification

There are few species of venomous snakes, but it is recommended to know how to identify those that are venomous. Also, it is very important to know how to differentiate between snakes and vipers, as it is the vipers that have venom.

For this,  we suggest asking for help to herpetology groups on social networks, which usually respond promptly. It is advisable to have the opinion of several people before we take the risk of handling a wild animal.

A snake in the garden: who should I call?

It is best to get in touch with any herpetology association, emergency telephone numbers or zoonoses agents in your region. If none of these options work and the species is not dangerous, you can rescue it.

After getting someone to help us, it is essential to keep watching the snake until the agents find it. If we have to rescue the animal on our own, we can use a bucket or box and direct the snake inside with a stick.

There is a snake in the garden: what do I do?

Once you have done this, we can release the reptile in a forested region or in some nearby forest. If this is not possible, it is necessary to call the emergency services.

A snake in the garden: protected animals

We must keep in mind that all snakes avoid human presence. They only attack us when they feel cornered and threatened, like when we step on them.

Also, all different types of snakes are protected species. Therefore, we can never intentionally harm or hurt them.

When encountering a snake in the garden, it is common for it to be bastard snakes or ladder snakes. These reptiles are harmless, although they can be aggressive when manipulated.

Unfortunately,  snakes continue to be creatures viewed with suspicion and fear by many people. However, we need to understand that they pose no real danger to humans.

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