They Invented A Wine For Cats

They invented a wine for cats

This phrase that everything has already been invented does not work with what has to do with articles for pets, because day after day we are more and more surprised in this field. The latest addition: a wine for cats. And that’s not all, it can be red or white. Want to know more?

If your cat is nervous and it’s hard for him to relax and even sleep, now there’s a natural remedy that will help you with that: we’re referring to wine for cats. Rest assured, it does not take alcohol and is not harmful to your feline, as its entire composition is 100% natural products.

How is wine for cats?

They say that pussies are difficult to understand, even for their owners, but those days are over, because now, thanks to wine for cats, you can have party nights with your feline and a good glass of wine to get to know them better. All kidding aside, this drink for cats, of course, has no alcohol.


Source: Apollo Peak Cat Facebook

Its main composition is catnip (Nepeta cataria), to which most cats are sensitive. However, according to scholars, only 65% ​​of pussies are attracted to catnip, so to draw the attention of the rest of them and reinforce the others, a beetroot essence was added, an aroma and a very attractive food for the cats.

How to serve wine to cats?

It is best to put it in a different container than the one the cat uses to drink water. It is also best to serve it at room temperature. Cats don’t usually like cold drinks, so a natural temperature will attract them more easily.

Will my cat like it?

We would almost dare to say yes, because the essences that make up wine for cats are like a magnet that attracts the animal. Added to this, there is another advantage: feline curiosity. Cats are curious animals by nature, as soon as they see a new container with a new substance that gives off a new scent, they will come closer.

They may take a while, but they’ll come closer and taste it. Don’t be surprised if the cat, after tasting it for the first time, moves away. This is something new for him and it takes time for him to assimilate. Don’t worry, he will come back.

What effects does wine have on cats?

Cats get playful and a little nervous when they smell catnip, it seems that scent is quite exciting for them, but when they drink it the opposite happens, they calm down. If your cat is one that spends the nights walking around the house, and to make matters worse your floor is made of wood, this can be very inconvenient for you and your whole family.

Cat wine is the solution. Your cat will sleep soundly after drinking the wine, so everyone can sleep peacefully too.

How does it present itself and where to buy it


Source: Apollo Peak Cat Facebook

Cat wine comes in two types: red and white. The difference is that one takes the beets and the other doesn’t. This is in case a pussy, which may be the case of yours, is allergic to this tuber. However, both wines will have the same effect regardless of one tone or the other.

They are presented in small bottles, in a package that is easy to open and also very practical to store.

You can find this wine for cats in pet supply stores and even in large supermarkets that have a section dedicated to animals. If they don’t have it in stock, you can ask if it’s possible to order it. You can finally have peaceful nights while your whole family and your cat sleep like angels!

Image source: Peak Cat Facebook

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