Tips For Playing With Your Cat

When playing with your cat, it is essential that you keep in mind that he will especially enjoy those activities that trigger his great hunting instinct.
Tips for playing with your cat

Maybe you’ve recently adopted a feline and want to know how to have fun together. Playing with your cat is more than fun, but only if you know what he likes and how to please him. So, in this article, we are going to give you some tips.

how to play with your cat

It’s true that  cats have fun with everything they see on their side : a ball, a button or a string hanging on the sofa. Being so independent, it’s just a matter of buying – or making – a scraper and letting it have fun. But if you want to play with your cat when you’re at home, pay attention to these recommendations:

  1. Identify your favorite toy

Of all your toys, there’s probably one your pet likes the most. Even a new one can catch your attention more compared to others. The most “chosen” are those formed by a stick or rope and something that moves at one end.

Another idea that is more interesting and fun is to provide a cardboard box, cats – be it a mutt or a  Siamese – love it! Punch holes in different parts and try to catch him as he tries to escape or hide.

  1. Spend half an hour a day playing games

When you get home from work, you might be a little tired to play with your cat, but make the effort to at least play with your pet for 30 minutes. So if you’ve spent many hours away from him, he’ll love getting your attention.

cat chasing toy

  1. Know how to explore your qualities

You must keep in mind that cats belong to the feline family  , which are great hunters and stalkers. It is very important that the games awaken the “wildest” side in them, without aggression, of course.

Also, choose toys and games where the animal can crouch down looking at the ‘prey’ and then have to catch it with its claws. For example, you can use stuffed animals or plastic mice, but you don’t need to spend money: with a rope and something at its end, you can spend hours playing.

  1. seek your attention

Not all cats will go to their owners to play with unless they are puppies or are very bored. Therefore, people have the “task” of getting your attention. Like? You can shake a toy near the animal, move something shiny in front of its eyes, or pretend you’ve found prey.

  1. be gentle

Cats don’t like to be disturbed too much, and yours can have a low resistance threshold when disturbed. Remember that feline territory is sacred. Avoid scaring him and making sudden movements if you want to play with your cat without any problems.

cat playing

  1. stop playing if he gets nervous

Through the movement of the tail, we can identify when our animal is in a bad mood or tired of playing. If, for example, he moves it as if he is “whipping” from side to side, it may be because he is angry.

Another way to express his dissatisfaction is if, lying on his back, he ‘hugs’ your hand or arm with his front and back legs, and bites or scratches it. Also, some cats can become a little aggressive when they play; if he shows his claws, he can lash out and hurt you, even if he doesn’t want to.

Keep in mind that cats “tell” when they want to play and when they prefer to do something else in a calm way. In this situation, we recommend that you leave the day of play for another opportunity or wait for several hours to pass.

Best of all, cats can have fun even if you’re not home. So, install certain games or toys in certain areas of the house and let them enjoy them if they get bored. This way you will avoid ruining your furniture!

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