Tips For Walking A Dog

Since dogs are able to sense the emotions of humans, it is essential to remain calm. It is also necessary to give very clear orders and rewards when the animal behaves as expected.
Tips for walking a dog

In addition to being a necessary activity for the animal, going out for a walk with a dog can be our opportunity to exercise or be outdoors. In this article, we’ll give you some tips so that these outings are beneficial and pleasurable for both of you.

Tips for walking a dog

Taking your pet outside is good for your physical and mental health, but it can also become a nightmare, with poking, barking, disobedience, etc.

Therefore, it is good to teach dogs from an early age to go out and socialize, as well as to obey the orders of their owners.

The following recommendations can be very helpful, especially if your pet is still a puppy.

If he is already a few years old, you should be more patient ; even if it takes longer, he can continue learning throughout his life. To go for a walk with a dog, keep the following in mind:

  1. put a collar

It doesn’t matter if you just take a walk around the block or if your street isn’t busy.

A dog can be scared or aggressive due to different factors that cause him to act instinctively.

For example, if he hears a horn or sees another dog, he will not hesitate to cross and run. And this is really dangerous!

It is easier for the owner to control his pet’s instincts if he is on a leash.

Depending on the size or strength he has, it is recommended to put a collar or breastplate, depending on each case.

However, these should not be too tight. The rule states that two fingers of your hand must fit between the animal’s body and the collar.

woman walking her dog

  1. make him stay by your side

This is essential when going out with a dog, but also what takes the longest time to learn.

From the beginning you will have to get him used to being close to you, whichever side you choose.

Although our recommendation is for you to hold the strap with your strongest arm.

Prevent the animal from pulling it forwards or sideways and, for the first few moments, take it with the strap as short as possible (without hurting it, of course).

Pulling on the strap can be an effective technique, but not recommended as it can cause problems with his throat or stomach (if he wears a chest).

  1. give specific orders

The dog understands its master’s voice and recognizes it among the others. However, you can also  get confused when there is a lot of noise or you are running in the middle of the park. Teach him the basic rules for going out on the street.

For example: standing, sitting, coming, not here. These are the words you should use and explain very patiently.

You don’t need to give him an explanation of why he has to be by your side. Specific orders are easier to understand and therefore easier for your pet to follow.

Dog at the door with a collar in its mouth

  1. Rewards for when you behave well

When your pet misbehaves, it’s natural to get some kind of reprimand. This way, going out for a walk with a dog will not be a nightmare.

But take some treats with you as well as you teach the basics of outdoor behavior. This award will be the incentive he needs to behave accordingly.

  1. Keep Calm

Animals can sense nervousness, anxiety and fear in people, especially their owners.

Therefore, for the tour to be a success, you must always be calm. This way, not only will your pet be more serene, but you will also be able to give him understandable instructions.

His body language, his intonations, and even his breathing rate tell him how he should act. If you’re nervous, he’ll think something bad is happening and it won’t be easy to respond to your orders.

Finally, to take a walk with a dog – whether it’s a Dalmatian or a Chihuahua – don’t forget to pack a bag to pick up the poop.

Also, if your pet tends to become aggressive when it sees other animals, choose to put on a muzzle.

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