Tips To Save On Your Pet

Tips to save on your pet

In times of “lean cows” we have to use all our creativity to weather the economic storm. If you have pets, you are well aware that keeping them carries a permanent fixed cost, in addition to any veterinary emergencies that may arise. So when your budget shrinks, one thing you have to consider is the necessary adjustment of your accounts.

Obviously, it all depends on the size and number of pets you have in your home. A fish is not the same as a St. Bernard, of course.

The issue, then, becomes to spend less without implying a lower quality of life for you and your family, including the animals.

Some ideas to save on your pet

Saving on pets

It’s not about doing magic, but about looking for some alternatives to the matter and trying to save some money.

The “dogs” and also the “gatekeepers” on duty know that a balanced and healthy diet is not exactly cheap. But they also know that giving their animals a lower quality feed is not the best way to cut costs.

You put your pet’s health at risk and you’ll end up spending more than you expect on the vet. As they say: “cheap is expensive” . This is a good example to apply to this phrase.

You shouldn’t give homemade food either, as it will be difficult to ensure that all the nutrients your dog or cat needs are included in a balanced way.

However, there are other ways to save on this particularly sensitive issue for your pocket:

  • Choose to buy big bags of feed to lower the price per kilogram. Be careful, you should keep the feed packages in a cool, dry place. You can also use appropriate containers to store and keep the feed fresh and quality.
  • You can team up with other friends and neighbors who also own dogs and cats and make a bigger purchase.
  • Always research prices before buying. You will be amazed at the notable differences in the same product from one trade to another.
  • Look for brands with the best cost/benefit ratio, following your veterinarian’s guidelines.
  • Take advantage of offers and promotions.

Other options to reduce costs

Save with health?

Health is another category where you can’t save money on your pet.

Periodic consultations, vaccinations or deworming are matters that should not be left out and are not particularly economical. However, there are also options to reduce your expenses in this area:

  • Some veterinarians offer a flat fee that covers vaccinations and consultations, including discounts on medications, transportation, and other benefits.
  • Also consider caring for your pet in a public veterinary hospital. In these places, students perform emergency service practices and are guided by their teachers. Prices for services, when paid, are considerably lower.
  • Find out which vaccines are absolutely necessary to give your pet and which ones may be optional.
  • Keep an eye out for free vaccination and castration campaigns that are often organized.
  • There are also animal protection organizations where you can vaccinate, sterilize and rescue your animals at an affordable price.
  • Check with your veterinarian to find out what generic alternative medications are for your pet. Replace medicine or adjust dosage.
  • Consider some homemade and natural options to eliminate fleas and ticks and replace pipettes and other products to eliminate these parasites. In case of doubt, always consult a professional.

    In addition to this:

    • Bathe your dog yourself. Become a canine hairdresser.
    • Replace the biscuits and, especially the more expensive ones, start using as a reward for your dog when you train him, any food you have at home and that your veterinarian has authorized him to use.
    • Get creative and make the coats, toys and scratchers for your dogs or cats yourself.

    If you think about it, your pet can also help you reduce your personal expenses. Playing with him, walking and exercising with your dog, for example, can be a good option to save money on the gym.

    Stroking and playing with your cat every day is definitely the best way to replace a psychologist and forget about your worries for a while, including a personal or global economic crisis.

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