Type Of Water For Your Aquarium: Fresh Or Salt?

Type of water for your aquarium: fresh or salt?

Having fish doesn’t simply mean buying a container, filling it with water and letting it swim.  Aquarius is a complex practice, with specific knowledge and specifications.  One of the fundamental questions is choosing the type of water for your aquarium.

In fact, the type of liquid we choose will depend on the class of fish we want to have and the magnitude of the project we want to build.  Basically, there are two types of aquarium: freshwater and saltwater.

It is important to first understand the differences in ecosystems in order to choose the ideal type of water for your aquarium.

freshwater aquarium

These ecosystems are characterized by being of warm water and little turbidity. Its unique characteristics allow the maintenance of the marine climate with small instruments.

Type of water for your aquarium: fresh or salt?

These aquariums can be smaller in size, as their fish are usually small.  A 36W screen and filter will keep a medium-sized tank clean.

Space maintenance will be easier and cheaper.  Therefore, it is the most recommended for children and beginners in the world of aquarium hobby.

Other advantages

The lighting that this ecosystem needs is low, making the electricity bill not so high.  Here the important thing is to respect the water stabilization periods when filling the aquarium for the first time. We won’t have to spend as much money on testing to measure its toxicity level.

Although their fish are usually small, there are many species suitable for this type of aquarium. Environmental conditions will facilitate the reproduction of both plants and our animals.

In contrast, the aq brine uários can be considered a challenge to experts. Let’s see why.

salt water aquarium

Unlike the previous ones,  tropical aquariums require a lot of care and investment. As well as a willingness to keep the environment controlled. This type of aquarium is ideal for people with experience in the field.

To start with, this ecosystem requires a tank that can hold at least 90 liters, with the intention of withstanding the conditions of its waters. Otherwise, the aquarium could break.

In addition, the tropical aquarium will generate significant expenses on electricity and lighting instruments.  The entire source must be covered equally.

other challenges

For its maintenance, high quality wires and power, tests to constantly check the state of the water and a large natural stone that will create the substrate will be necessary.

Specific plants will be needed and the reproduction work will be much more complicated.  It’s not that we can’t choose that alternative. However, we must be aware of the level of attention and investment you need.

In contrast, this ecosystem will allow the implantation of corals and other animals that allow for a very interesting diversity. Your fish can be of great size and variety, although the size of the aquarium must always be taken into account.

watch out for the summer

Saltwater aquariums are much more difficult to care for in summer.  High temperatures make water evaporate faster. And it’s easy for high levels of condensation to be generated in the room where the ecosystem is controlled.

salt water aquarium

Any change affects both salinity and internal density.  During this period, several types of tests to measure toxicity will be recurrent. Also remembering that there will be difficulties in cleaning.

All of this usually occurs at times when people go on vacation to travel. Fish tend to jump out of their environment and will need someone to look after them.  Filling the aquarium water and managing the food are two important functions in this case.

Choose the type of water for your aquarium

As we can see, choosing the type of water will depend on how much you are willing to invest in terms of time, money and dedication.

The opportunities are endless, however, we must plan well the result we want to achieve. Therefore, you must wisely choose the type of water for your aquarium.

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