Under What Circumstances Should A Dog Have A C-section?

Under what circumstances should a female dog have a C-section?

Cesarean section is a surgical procedure that can be used in some animals when there are risks for the mother or the offspring. Many veterinarians recommend doing this intervention in some b breeds. spinal since, if not done, it could put the dog’s life at risk.

Below, we share some details about caesarean section in bitches.

Why do a cesarean?

Echography in bitch

According to experts,  there are some causes of neonatal mortality that occur during labor.  Among them are hypoxia and dystocia.

These types of problems can occur, either by physiological difficulties, behavioral problems or even by environmental factors.

Some puppy deaths are due to a genetic problem or infection.  Several studies show that between 20% and 30% of puppies die before six months of life due to a poor neonatal procedure.

To avoid the deaths of puppies, check if your bitch is 100% healthy to dominate a natural birth, it is recommended that you go to the veterinarian so that he can evaluate and give his professional opinion. But pay close attention!

Often,  the owners are used to putting their feet in the hands or have a lot of anxiety for the puppies to be born.

The best thing is that the animal is calm. Maternal stress is extremely harmful to the unborn puppy, so as an owner, you should try to maintain some control of the situation and do everything possible so that nervousness doesn’t spoil everything.

You have to stay calm so as not to convey that nervous feeling to your pet.

On the other hand, it is very important to know that some veterinarians will leave the decision to have a C-section up to you. Yes, you will have to decide if it is right for your dog. For legal reasons, this procedure is usually applied.

Why other reasons should I have a cesarean?

suckling puppies

Other reasons that may require this type of surgery include the size of the puppies, the shape of your pet’s pelvis and even if the small or super large puppies are located in a complicated position.

When any of these circumstances are at stake, a cesarean may be the only option to preserve the life of the bitch and her puppies.

On the other hand, any sign of fetal distress may prompt a cesarean to be considered quickly.

Not all labor leads to natural birth. Some signs of fetal distress include the expulsion of black, red, or green fluid, which often means that the placenta has detached or that there is fetal secretion. Both situations can indicate problems.

An important fact is that a cesarean should be performed when labor begins and remember: a cesarean can be a good alternative for your pet.

Another important point you should know is that medications that are administered for a cesarean are lighter and safer than those that are administered to perform some surgeries. But don’t be scared: the doses that veterinarians use don’t harm the puppies or your pet.

In addition, it is customary to use products that leave no side effects and allow a quick recovery. Among them, propofol stands out, which, according to experts, is the best anesthetic for a cesarean.

Usually, the IV is inserted into the forepaw, which has already been cleaned and shaved before being anesthetized. Then, an incision is made from the pubis to the navel. In some cases, when the puppies are large, the incision may be larger.

As the puppies are being born, the veterinarian assistants are in charge of cleaning the puppies. When a cesarean is performed, the little furry ones can take up to half an hour to breathe and to stabilize. Afterwards, they are placed in a warm place.

Finally, once the bitch has woken up, is able to keep her head up, her temperature is just right, and her gums are pink, she can immediately go home and care for her puppies.

Extreme supervision must be given when the female does not accept her little ones.  But rest assured, your hormones should stabilize in no more than 48 hours.

Image credits: barbievoltios.

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