What We Should Know About Guide Dogs

The first thing you should know is that the breeds most used for this function are the Labradors or Golden Retrievers, as well as the German Shepherd. This happens, among other reasons, because of his balanced personality, intelligence and ease of learning.
What We Should Know About Guide Dogs

Perhaps you have seen a blind person guided by a dog on the street or on the subway. And have wondered how guide dogs know, for example, when to safely cross an avenue or take the owner to a specific place. In this article we are going to answer that question, and tell you all about these animals.

What are guide dogs

Also known as guides or assistance animals, they are dogs. trained to go to the street for the purpose of driving people who are blind or with limited vision, as well as helping them with household chores.

Guide dogs have certain “privileges” or rights in different countries, such as traveling on public transport while playing their role, or on duty.

This animal must be able to  identify and anticipate the dangers that may endanger the health or physical integrity of its owner.

guide dog helping the blind to cross the street

The first guide dogs were four and their job was to guide blind veterans during the First World War. Since then, several associations are responsible for training the animals and delivering them to the people who need them most.

How are guide dogs trained?

Basically, the function of these dogs is “to be the eyes of those who do not see”, and for this they undergo a hard training for almost two years.

guide dogs are not pets “normal”, but were trained to perform a function.

The process begins long before the animal is born: purebred or with pedigree .

When they are two months old and are no longer fed with breast milk, they are properly vaccinated and arrive at foster homes. They are welcomed by volunteer families who are in charge of taking care of them.

During this time, supervisors make regular visits to the homes and make sure that the animal is being treated well and that it has everything it needs.

The organization provides them with food and veterinary care, which includes sterilization of the dog to avoid changes in its behavior.

After this “year of experience”, they already have the capacity to learn their tasks and start training.

From there, they return to the foundation and must begin sharing their life with other guide dogs. The host family can follow the evolution of their old pet, visit them and find out what their role will be when their training ends.

The training process is long (it takes about two years) and, although it is difficult, it does not represent a suffering for the animal.

If the dog is very sensitive to environmental stimuli, such as noise, other dogs or people, it will not be selected as assistance dog.

blind boy with guide dog

Source: Facebook de PerrosGuia Leones Quilmes O La Colonia

Guide dogs must “pass” several tests: cross the street in a straight line, indicate doors or stairs, avoid obstacles and identify the curb.

Patience is essential for instructors, since, although the chosen breeds are easy to train, some always need more time than others to learn.

When the handler determines that the dog is ready to begin his work, the next step is to find a suitable person for him.

Among the long waiting list of blind people waiting for their guide dog, one is chosen according to the animal.

What is taken into account? Height, weight, step speed, initiative, activities, etc.

While it is true that guide dogs are a great help to a blind person,  these animals are deprived of many stimuli and do not have a full life like other pets.

Therefore, work is being done on the development of robot dogs so that no more living beings are used.

Finally, some advice if you see a guide dog on the street: don’t distract it, don’t feed it, don’t touch it. Also, do not touch the harness or its strap. And only talk to him if the owner allows.


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