Why 10 Typical Cat Behaviors

Why 10 typical cat behaviors

If you’re a cat lover, you certainly like it when your little friend brushes your legs or starts to purr. But have you ever wondered why your feline has this kind of behavior? To let you know a little more about the different ways he expresses himself, below we will explain typical cat behaviors.

Why doesn’t the cat want to use your litter box?

This is one of the behaviors that cats usually adopt when they have a disease or because the box is not clean. That’s why it’s very important that your feline is regularly checked by your veterinarian.

Possibly, he doesn’t want to go to the bathroom because he has bladder stones or urinary tract disorders. To rule out these and other health problems, take him to a specialist.

Remember that the litter box must always be clean. A basic rule of thumb is to clean it at least once a day.

Why do cats scratch things?

Why do cats scratch?

More than once you may have noticed that  your cat climbs onto your favorite couch, digs in its nails and starts scratching. Possibly, your little four-legged one also matches this habit by hanging from the curtains.

Well, this type of behavior is a way that cats have to play, mark territory and even to get rid of some of their nails.

The way to avoid this kind of damage is very simple; buy a scraper. In pet stores, you can get different types of designs. If you put catnip in a scraper, your kitten won’t resist and will certainly discharge its share of energy there.

Sometimes… my cat tends to get a little aggressive

A cat can become aggressive for several reasons, such as illness, crowding, lack of socialization, maternal support or even simply because he is playing.

To help you fight your pet’s aggression, the first thing you should do is discuss your cat’s behavior with your veterinarian.

Pain and illness can leave you in an uncomfortable mood, so it’s very important that a specialist rule out any kind of physical cause.

In general, male cats tend to be more aggressive than females. If that’s your pet, the solution is simple: sterilize or neuter your feline friends.

Never hit any type of animal, much less if it is in a bad mood. If it is necessary to stop a fight between cats, it is best to throw some water between them, make a loud noise or throw something light on them.

Why does my cat love to go out at night?

Cats are nocturnal in nature, they are more active at night. In order for your kitten to understand that the night is for sleeping, first of all, make sure your cat doesn’t have medical problems and, for her to discharge energy, set up a dynamic play section at bedtime.

If he scratches himself…

Gato se coçando

If your cat scratches more than usual, he probably has fleas. If so, take him to your vet to begin treatment.

On the other hand, also pay close attention to tapeworms, which are the most common pests within the cat universe.

Look at your cat’s feces or around his anus, if you see tiny white worms jumping around, or anything that looks like dry grains of rice, he certainly has tapeworms. They can be very dangerous, so it’s important to start treatment right away.


When a female cat is in heat, she is often very affectionate and vocalizes constantly ; is always meowing and meowing. This is the way females alert their mates to their potential fertility status.

Likewise, a male cat can become “talkative” when listening to or sniffing a female cat in heat. These meows and other mating behaviors can be repeated every 18 or 24 days.

The surest way to face heat is operating the animal. Have your feline friends spayed or neutered. A cat can become pregnant at as little as four months of age, but fortunately she can be spayed from two months of age onwards.

my cat doesn’t drink water

Cats need to hydrate themselves. If you notice that your kitten doesn’t drink water, it’s probably because her water or bowl is dirty. Try to keep it clean and always give it fresh water.

Why does my cat rub itself?

Certainly, this behavior is because your cat wants to mark territory. But it’s also a show of affection.

What is the origin of “kneading bread” in cats?

Much is said about this type of behavior. In general, this behavior is related to a demonstration of affection and trust towards their owners. When they’re puppies, it’s their way of stimulating their mother’s teat when they’re feeding.

My cat licks itself all day

Apart from any kind of illness, cats are very clean and vain. They like to be coiffed and can’t stand messy hair.

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