Why Do Dogs Have Spots Under Their Eyes?

Constant tearing causes clogging of the tear ducts and blemishes under the eyes. Allergies, infections, age and race can also influence this process.
Why Do Dogs Have Spots Under Their Eyes?

It is common to see that some dogs have spots under their eyes. You may have noticed that your pet didn’t have them when he was a puppy, but they have developed over time. Why do they arise? How can they be removed? We’ll look at these and other questions in this article.

Why Do Dogs Have Spots Under Their Eyes?


The main cause of blemishes under a dog’s eyes is constant tearing. This can occur due to a clogging of the tear ducts. However, there are many breeds that are born with these ducts clogged. Because of this, animals are unable to expel their tears. As a result, the ducts  fill and the liquid remains inside the eye, causing it to overflow.

This problem in the tear ducts causes the animal to have watery and wet eyes all the time. With a constant dripping under the eyes, nasty spots appear.


Allergies are another major cause of under eye blemishes. They can be cutaneous, food or for other reasons. However, an allergy always causes the eyes to swell and water, just like in humans. Constant tears can cause stains.


An eye infection in your dog can lead to discharge and tearing. These can also be causes of under eye blemishes. However, what might look like an infection may just be something inside the eye that is hurting the animal. So, look carefully and if it’s too complicated, don’t move. It is better for a veterinarian to take care of the animal in this situation.

Eye infection in dogs


As the puppies grow, the tears become more acidic.  This favors the appearance of very unpleasant reddish spots under the eyes.

In the case of older dogs, almost the same thing happens. The tear ducts are clogged more often than when they were young.

the race

Some breeds tend to be born with clogged tear ducts  or very small eyelids. Then, when blinking their eyes, the animals do it with great force and do not allow a good drainage of tears.

On the other hand, there are  those breeds that have a lot of fur around their eyes. Hair can enter the eyeball and cause constant tearing.

What to do if dogs have spots under their eyes

higiene dos olhos de um cão

There are several things you can do when your dog has blemishes under his eyes. These are some of them:

  • Clean the area. Cleaning the area under your dog’s eyes every day is the best way to keep the acid from your tears from building up. That way, over time, the region will become clearer. While a damp gauze is sufficient, you can occasionally clean it with a little hydrogen peroxide. Be careful not to get it in your dog’s eyes.
  • Trim the surrounding fur. For those breeds that have a lot of fur near their eyes, cutting it is the best way to avoid blemishes. So, if you’re cleaning the area, you can also trim off the excess hair bit by bit until it regains its original color.
  • Replace the pan . Some dogs are allergic to plastic and we don’t notice. So if you haven’t found another reason your dog is tearing up, maybe that’s the reason. Initially, change the containers he eats and drinks to stainless steel ones and see if this stops him from tearing.
  • Filtered water. Sometimes we forget that tap water can do the same harm to our pets as it does to us. Therefore, try to give filtered or purified water so that the animal does not have excess minerals in its body. That way your tears will be less abrasive.

One way to clean the area daily is also to use a homemade solution of water and sea salt. This will decrease the intensity of the blemishes. If you have the patience, you will eliminate them completely. Go ahead!

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