Why Do Dogs Like To Get Between Our Feet?

Why do dogs like to get between our feet?

The best moment of the day arrived: the night. It’s the time when you sit relaxed and watch TV, and your dog will… settle on your feet! Why does he always do the same thing? It must be recognized that this is a wonderful gesture in colder times of the year, but in warmer seasons it is not very pleasant. Well then, why do dogs like to be between our feet?

This bothers a lot, especially when he’s not satisfied with getting between our feet on the couch, it’s time for us to go to bed, and he does the same thing. And you spend so much time looking on the Internet for the best bed for him, comparing prices, going to the store and buying it, and for what? So that they sleep between our feet!

What is the secret that makes dogs sleep between our feet? What is so nice about our feet that makes them do this? Let’s find out in this article that we dedicate to this topic.

Why do dogs like to get between our feet?

This “mania” can have several reasons, some could even be solved with a visit to the veterinarian. For example:

Why do dogs like to get between our feet?

He loves you

Animals aren’t as complicated as we are, and the reason they want to sleep between our feet or want to sit between our feet could be as simple as the fact that they love you.

Your dog loves you, is wanting you to come home to see him, and like you, he too longs for that moment at night when you both watch television and can relax and be together, close together.

Dogs like to get between our feet because they feel safe.

It is possible that your puppy feels insecure or is very fearful. In fact, this act of sleeping between our feet is more frequent in puppies or newly adopted dogs. It’s a way to feel protected, to seek our protection.

This could be a case to be treated by a psychologist, as a fearful dog as an adult is not very common. For your peace of mind, consult a veterinarian. Although, of course, for him, this gesture of sleeping between our feet should be accompanied by others.

For example, if your pet walks too close to your legs, or if it doesn’t leave you at home for anything, or if it cries bitterly when you leave…

Dogs like to get between our feet for being  domineering

It is possible that you, without realizing it, have allowed your dog to do what he wants and now he wants to dominate you. Getting between his feet can be a way of telling you he’s mastered.

If you think this is the case, you should apply the principles of the hierarchy and prevent him from doing so. Teach him to obey you and that he can be by your side, but never on top of you. It won’t be that easy because it’s an adult dog, but with love, perseverance and patience, you can do it.

you are all he has

From the moment you adopt a puppy, it becomes part of your family, it gains a home, a world. Where else can our dog want to sleep other than between our feet?

It’s as simple as that. It’s a way of feeling part of something, of wanting to be by your side, as close to you as possible, of feeling that you have someone who loves you and of showing that someone that you love them too.


Do dogs like to get between our feet for a show of jealousy?

If your dog has never slept between your feet and suddenly does, consider whether anything in his life has changed. For example, you may have brought another pet home. It doesn’t matter if it’s a cat, a hamster or another dog, although the latter could make the situation worse.

Maybe before you were single and now you have a girlfriend or you were married and a baby arrived. If there have been these changes and our dog begins to sleep between our feet, it’s clear: he’s jealous. See a veterinarian and he will show you how to change your pet’s behavior.

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