Why Does My Cat Sneeze?

Why does my cat sneeze?

The love we feel for our pet makes us worried when we realize that something doesn’t go right with it. Of course,  we often worry unnecessarily. However and unfortunately sometimes yes, we were right. So the best thing is to keep ourselves well informed so that we can stay calm or act in the face of any change in the health of our animals. Today, in this article, we’re going to give you the answer to a question you’ve perhaps already asked again: why does my cat sneeze?

Cat sneezes: is this normal?

Let’s start by asking a question, whenever you sneeze is it because you are sick? Certainly, before we finished the question, his lips had already verbalized the answer: No. It’s like that with the cat too .

By definition, sneezing consists of noisily throwing inhaled air through the nose and mouth , caused by a stimulus in the nasal mucosa .

Thus, whenever a cat sneezes, it is to eliminate any cause that is irritating the lining of the nose. Keep in mind that if your cat does it once in a while, you don’t need to worry.

However, when sneezing is accompanied by a runny nose or is very common, we may then begin to experience moderate concern, which should be increased if your cat’s nose is blocked, which we will easily notice if it is not. able to smell the food.

A fact that will evidence this is if we notice that the animal refuses to eat or significantly decreases its food intake. As soon as we realize this, it will be necessary for us to take the cat to the vet so that he can assess the health status of our pussy.

Other symptoms to watch out for in our cat

cat sneezes

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, it’s time to take action and allow a professional to assess why our cat sneezes.

It is important that you discuss with your veterinarian any other symptoms that accompany your sneezing, such as these:

  • Green or yellow nasal mucus, which could be caused by an infection;
  • Secretion or inflammation of the eyes;
  • Shortness of breathe;
  • Weight loss or appetite;
  • Apathy;
  • Fever;
  • Swollen glands;
  • Cough.

Cat sneezing for these possible reasons

Below, we will indicate the most common causes that cause sneezing in cats :

  • Viral infections. In this case, it can be caused by contact with other cats or by sharing something with them, such as bowls. You must be very careful because infections can develop into pneumonia, which can have fatal consequences.
  • Dental problems. Problems of all kinds that the animal may have in its teeth can cause it to sneeze.
  • Foreign bodies . Anything that settles in the animal’s nostrils will cause sneezing.
  • Feline immunodeficiency virus. This disease, which is very common in cats that have contact with the outside world, deserves special attention. It spreads in many ways, when cats fight and bite each other, for example.
  • A very serious issue: ignoring the symptoms will cause the cat not to heal, which will have serious consequences, so urgent veterinary care is needed.
  • Allergies. Any type of allergen that irritates your pet’s nose can cause your cat to sneeze. But sneezing can also be caused by certain foods, so it is first necessary to determine what causes this type of disorder in our friend and then treat it.

Cats Sneezing Treatments

Treatment for cats

As in any other case, treatment to control sneezing depends on the triggering factor, diagnosed as the cause by your veterinarian. In some cases it will be enough to improve the home environment with a humidifier.

When the origin is an allergy, it will probably be given antihistamines, in milder cases, or steroids, in more severe cases – they will help reduce the symptoms of the allergy.

He may also need antibiotic treatment, depending on the source of the problem. On other occasions, the use of nasal decongestants will be sufficient.

We can’t rule out surgical intervention on our pussy if we can’t stop the sneezing.

As we’ve already seen, when your cat sneezes, it doesn’t necessarily have to be something serious, but it’s always better to know the cause and what your vet can tell you.

Then schedule an appointment and alleviate any pain in your cat and any worries in you.

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