Why Does Your Cat Like Cardboard Boxes?

Where does this cat’s predilection for cardboard boxes come from? Find out with us below!
Why does your cat like cardboard boxes?

No matter how many toys a cat has, he will always be attracted to a simple cardboard box. But why is your cat so fond of boxes? The answer lies primarily in an instinctive behavior developed over the years to hide from predators in the wild.

Does your cat like cardboard boxes?

Here are some reasons that explain your feline’s love for cardboard boxes:

instinctive behavior

As we’ve seen, one of the reasons your cat likes cardboard boxes is a completely instinctive behavior these animals have developed over the years.

This behavior of hiding in small places allowed cats to go unnoticed  by predators found in nature.

Cardboard boxes or small places give cats a sense of security. In this sense, by hiding, they feel that they cannot be attacked. For that reason, this small place becomes an oasis of tranquility.

Plus, they have more control over the field of view and can see what’s next in advance.

cat in cardboard box


Curiosity is one of the most striking personality traits of cats, regardless of breed.

This natural curiosity, combined with the need to hide, makes them hopelessly attracted to cardboard boxes.

It is worth noting that this curiosity is not limited only to the boxes, but also to any object, person or animal that comes home for the first time. The kitten will come to sniff and check what it is, and if it’s a box, it will go inside.


The cold is another reason your cat likes cardboard boxes. This explains why  the ideal temperature for a kitten is between 30 and 36 °C.

If the temperature is lower, they will look for a warmer place, like cardboard boxes. It is important to remember that cardboard is one of the best thermal insulators.

To jump

The boxes also serve as an ideal jumping space. From inside, the cat will be able to observe everyone who passes by, and if something piques his curiosity, he’ll pounce.

In the wild, cats jump to catch their prey, but in the comfort of home they simply do it to play and surprise.

perfect refuge

Cats are animals that naturally enjoy solitude. Therefore,  cardboard boxes are ideal for them to isolate themselves,  whether from humans or other animals.

Also, these boxes are especially handy when the kitten gets into a situation he wants to escape from.

In these cases, there is no better place than his favorite hiding place and where he feels he has all the control: the cardboard box.

Less stress

In recent years, it has been shown that another of the most important reasons why cats prefer cardboard boxes is  stress.

In this regard, cats who have access to boxes have considerably less stress than those who don’t.

On the other hand, the  boxes not only make kittens safer, but also improve their connection with the environment.

They also allow them to relate more positively to other animals and humans.

cat inside cardboard box

Cardboard: play material

Cardboard is a material that not only gives cats warmth, but also allows them to play, tear and bite.

These actions are extremely fun for kittens. Likewise, it  is the ideal place to sharpen your nails and stretch your muscles.

In practice,  there are many reasons why cats prefer a plain cardboard box  over other types of toys.

Instinct and behavior, along with practicalities like warmth, are some of the reasons kittens love these boxes.

From the material, to the curiosity and feeling of security, cardboard boxes are the ideal hiding place for cats, and it  is in them that they feel protected from any threat  from the outside world.

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