Why Dogs Keep Licking Us

why dogs keep licking us

When we get home, when we watch TV, when we play on the floor… Any situation is perfect to receive a “kiss” from our pet. Do you want to know why dogs keep licking us ? So, keep reading the following article:

Reasons why dogs keep licking us

The reasons why dogs keep licking us are diverse : it can be a habit, a behavior, to communicate with us or to express their wishes. The main reasons are:

1. To get to know us

Although dogs’ most developed sense is smell, they are also able to know a lot about other beings and things around them through their taste buds. This may be the most logical explanation of why dogs keep licking us. Of course, because we have a special flavor that conveys two very important data: our state of mind and our state of health.

2. To express affection for us

It can be said that a dog’s lick is equivalent to a kiss or a caress from humans. That’s why dogs express their affection for someone through their tongue. You should know that there is no “bad intention” on the part of the animal when it licks you in the face or mouth. He is simply saying that he likes you, that he thanks you for taking care of him, or that he is happy with you.

3. To welcome us

Have you ever noticed at which time or situation your dog licks you the most? This probably happens after he doesn’t see you for hours (or even minutes). When you get back from work or shopping, even when you get up in the morning, your pet will want to lick you. This can be understood as a hello, or also as a “I missed you”. The licking will be accompanied by an agitated tail movement and heels throughout.

4. To taste creams or perfumes

This is another reason why dogs keep licking us. Because they like the products we use! If you’ve applied cream, applied lotion or sprayed perfume… the first thing your dog will do is run his tongue over the spot. There are pets that like one product more than another (for example, fruit flavors or aromas).

Also, he can lick us when we come back from exercise or when we sweat. Why? Because pets love salty flavors… Precisely that of sweat.

5. To get your attention

The licks can be used as a way to get your attention. For example, if he wants to play and you are watching television, if you are eating and he wants some of your food, if you are sitting on the couch and trying to get up to go out, etc. Also, he may be asking you to take him for a walk, or for you to scratch his belly or give him water to drink. Observe in which moments or situations your dog licks you and you will realize, right away, what he wants.

6. To reduce anxiety

Licking its owners, its toys, its bed, or itself can be a technique found by the dog to calm down. For example, this can happen when a heavy storm is falling (with even thunder) or when traveling by car for the first time. If they feel anxious, dogs will lick us to make you feel better.

7. To show submission to the owner

Dogs can use their licking to detect odors peculiar to their breed, such as when a dog is the alpha male or if the bitch is in heat. So when he licks us, it could be that he is showing his submission towards us. This means that he “accepts” that you are the alpha of the pack, and that he will do whatever you tell him to (even if there are exceptions sometimes, of course).

8. To clean us up

When the puppies are born, the mother licks them to sanitize them. Your puppy may be wanting to do the same thing when he licks his feet or hands, in case they’re dirty for any reason.

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