Wildlife Of The Amazon

Amazon wild animals

If there is a place in the world rich in nature, it is, without a doubt, the Amazon. Thinking about it, sometimes we may have many doubts because we are not sure how many species of wild animals in the Amazon there are, but today we are going to know a little more about the great diversity of this place. We’ll talk about the fauna of the Amazon… you may have heard that knowledge is never too much.

The rich fauna of the Amazon

The fauna of the Amazon is very varied and in it we can find, approximately, a total of 643 species. Of these, 326 are believed to be birds, 185 are fish, 67 are mammals, 37 are amphibians and 28 are reptiles. Let’s meet some of them:

Amazon wildlife: birds

Among the fauna that we can find in this huge natural area of ​​the world, we highlight these species of birds:

  • Five different species of partridges
  • Cormorant
  • Five species of guan
  • 13 species of ducks
  • 21 species of parrots
  • Ostrich
  • Four species of  toucan
Author: Lucas Zallio

Amazon wildlife in the river

As we know,  wildlife does not only include animals that live on land, but also in water and air. In the Amazon River there is a wide variety of species, such as:

  • Dolphins  Inia geoffrensis  gray and pink, depending on age. They can measure up to 2.4 meters and reach 150 kilos in weight.
  • The capybara, considered the largest rodent in the world, can measure between 1 meter and 1.5 meters and reach a height of 0.65 centimeters with a weight of 50 kilos. Although she doesn’t live in the water all the time, her habitat is located on the riverbank and she is an excellent swimmer.
  • Anaconda. The queen of the Amazon River, without a doubt, is Anaconda. It is very likely that almost everyone remembers this animal when they think of the great flow of water that runs through much of South America.
  • Crocodiles. This is another animal that inhabits this river in a crowd. They measure about two meters and are dark brown in color.
  • Alligators. Unlike crocodiles, they are green and can measure up to six meters, while the “only” crocodile reaches two, or even one, in the case of females.
  • Iguanas and Chameleons. Whether in or out of the water, these two animals are abundant in the Amazon.


Reptiles are also part of the fauna of the Amazon and there is a great variety of them, as they  can be in water, land or trees. You can find anything from flying snakes with round bodies to other much smaller specimens.


Reptiles are generally  not dangerous and if there is human presence they often flee. However, if they are teased or stepped on (even if not intentionally, they don’t understand), they defend themselves by biting and, in the case of some, it can be a deadly bite.


Despite the dangers of the Amazon rainforest,  many go to the banks of this river to fish. It is estimated that there are about 2,500 different varieties of  fish. However, the most abundant and closest to the fishing area are:

  • Golden
  • dogfish
  • streak
  • White fish
  • croaker
  • Pacu
  • Surubi
  • Piranha

As we said at the beginning, if there is a place rich in fauna in the world, that place is the Amazon. A unique natural enclave that, due to care and little exploitation by man, is making it possible to preserve hundreds of species  that would otherwise be  extinct.

Without a doubt, it is a unique place to increase our knowledge about the animal world. We hope that the curiosity that this forest arouses in many, due to the lack of knowledge, has diminished with the information we are giving you today about the wild animals of the Amazon.

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